Foods and Nutrition Waec Syllabus
Below is this 2024 Waec Syllabus for Foods and Nutrition. Note that this syllabus is for both internal and external candidates.
Aims and Objectives
- acquire basic knowledge about foods and nutrition;
- understand the relationship between nutrition and health;
- identify career opportunities in foods and nutrition and acquire skills for further studies;
- apply the general principles underlying meal planning, selection, preparation and serving of food to feed families and other consumers for different occasions;
- understand the need for planning an efficient and safe kitchen;
- choose, use, care and store kitchen equipment and tools effectively;
- appreciate the importance of sanitation in kitchen food preparation and service;
- apply basic principles underlying food processing, storage and preservation; acquire basic knowledge in consumer education;
- acquire research skills and use the information to experiment, develop and improve local dishes;
- set up a business in the food industry using all the basic skills acquired.
Scheme of Examination
There will be three papers, Papers 1, 2 and 3, all of which must be taken. Papers 1 and 2 will be composite paper and will be taken in one sitting.
This will comprise sixty multiple-choice questions, all of which are to be answered within 1 hour for 60 marks.
This will comprise six essay questions, out of which candidates will be required to answer four. The paper will carry 40 marks and will last 1 hour and 15 minutes.
This will be a practical test of a 3-hour duration. It will carry 100 marks and will be conducted by a visiting examiner.
Detailed Foods and Nutrition Syllabus
- Introduction to Foods and Nutrition
- Meaning
- Basic knowledge of Nutrition
- Importance of Human Nutrition
- Factors Affecting Foods and Nutrition
- Food Habits
- Careers associated with Foods and Nutrition
- Careers associated with Foods and Nutrition
- Factors that influence career choices
- Characteristics required for Foods and Nutrition careers
- Basic Food Nutrients
- The nutrients and their nutritive values
- Functions of the different nutrients
- Sources of the different nutrients
- Dietary deficiencies
- Metabolism,(digestion and absorption of foods carbohydrate, protein, fat).
- Knowledge and use of food composition table
- Food tests: simple physical and chemical tests of foodstuffs to detect the presence of nutrients in foods e.g. proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
- Meal Management
- Meal Planning
- Meal planning terms
- Reasons for planning meals
- Factors in planning meals
- General principles of meal planning
- Meal patterns
- Special Nutritional Needs
- Nutritional needs for different groups e.g. pregnant, lactating mothers, infants and children, adolescents, adults and the aged, vegetarians.
- Planning meals for people with health conditions e.g. HIV & AIDS, invalids, convalescents, overweight, underweight, hypertension, diabetes etc.
- The kitchen
- Types of kitchens, e.g., traditional, modern, institutional.
- Planning different types of kitchens.
- Factors to consider when planning.
- Cleaning agents and abrasives (commercial and local).
- Kitchen equipment and tools
- Classes and types of equipment
- Selection, use, care and storage of large and small equipment, fixtures and appliances.
- Safety in the kitchen
- Types of kitchen accidents
- Causes and prevention of accidents
- Content and use of first aid box
- Simple first-aid treatment
- Sanitation in the kitchen
- Personal Hygiene
- Kitchen hygiene, e.g., general cleaning, waste disposal, pests, and pest control.
- Food hygiene, e.g., handling of foods, foodborne diseases, and food sanitation laws.
- Animal and animal products
- Milk and milk products e.g., cheese, yoghurt, eggs, meat, poultry, fish etc.
- Kinds/types and structure
- Selection
- Storage
- Cereals/grains
- Kinds and forms
- Importance of cereals and grains:
- versatility
- thickening
- cheap source of energy/good source of roughage
- Fruits and vegetables
- Classification of fruits/Classification of vegetables.
- Structure, nutritive value and storage.
- Important of fruits and vegetables in the diet, etc.
- Legumes and oily seeds
- Classification of legumes, oily seeds
- Importance of legumes and oily seeds in the diet, etc.
- Fats and oils
- Kinds and Classification
- vegetable fats and oils
- animal fats and oils
- Uses in diet
- Uses in the body
- Health implications of fats and oils
- Starchy roots and plantains
- Types of starchy roots
- Types of plantain
- Types of dishes
- Food spoilage
- Meaning of food spoilage
- Causes and agents of food spoilage
- Food preservation
- meaning and importance of preservation
- General principles underlying food preservation
- Methods of food preservation
- Food storage
- Meaning and importance of food storage
- Storage of perishable and nonperishable foods
- Storage space and equipment e.g. refrigeration, deep freezer, cupboards, shelves, granaries, barns etc.
- Principles underlying cooking
- Explanation of the concept of cooking
- Reasons for cooking food
- Methods of cooking
- Moist heat methods e.g. boiling, stewing, steaming etc.
- Dry heat methods e.g. baking, roasting, grilling, frying etc.
- Effects of heat on different food commodities e.g. animal products, cereals and grains, fats and oil etc.
- Transfer of heat
- Methods of heat transfer and meaning
- Convection – liquid, gases
- Radiation – space
- Conduction – solid metal
- Cooking terms
- Explanation of cooking terms
- Food additives
- Definitions
- Types of food additives
- Functions of additives
- Selection and use of additives
- Food adulteration
- Flour Cookery and Confectionery
- Types of flour
- Types of flour
- Ingredients in flour
- Uses of flour
- Basic ingredients in flour cookery
- Flour, fat, sugar, eggs
- Raising agents
- Types of raising agents, i.e., steam, carbon dioxide and air
- Sources:- boiling liquid – steam, baking powder – carbon dioxide whisking – air
- Batters and doughs
- Types of batters
- Uses of batters
- Dishes using batter
- biscuits – classification
- rubbed in
- creamed
- whisked
- melted
- sponge mixtures
- Cakes
- rubbed in
- creamed
- whisked
- melted
- sponge mixtures
- Pastries
- Types of Pastries: Shortcrust, suet, flaky, etc.
- Principles underlying pastry making
- Pastry dishes e.g. turn, over; jam tartlets, cornish pasties, etc.
- Yeast Mixtures
- Definition
- Ways of preparing yeast mixture
- Important points in preparing yeast mixture
- Yeast dishes – bread loaves, bread rolls, doughnut
- Cake Decoration
- Types of icing e.g. butter icing, royal icing
- Uses of icing
- Preparation of icing
- Using royal icing and butter icing
- Classification of beverages
- Non-alcoholic beverages
- coffee and tea
- cocoa drink
- milk and egg drinks
- fruit juices and fruit drinks
- beef tea and lemon grass
- Alcoholic
- beer
- wine
- Importance of beverages
- Nutritive values etc.
- Principles underlining the preparation of beverages
- Tea, coffee, cocoa etc
- Types of convenience foods
- Selection and uses of convenience foods
- Advantages and disadvantages of using convenience foods
- Preparation of dishes using convenience foods
- Explanation
- Importance of using leftover goods
- Rules/guidelines for using leftover foods
- Rechauffé dishes
- Explanation
- Occasions for festive dishes
- Types of festive dishes/special occasion dishes
- Preparation of festive dishes/special occasion dishes
- Entertainment
- Explanation
- Types of parties
- Occasions for parties
- Points to consider when selecting types of parties
- Factors that contribute to the success of parties
- Table setting and etiquette
- Explanation e.g. table setting, cover, etc
- Setting tables and trays for different meals and occasions
- Table appointments
- Table manners/etiquette
- Meal Service Style
- Types of meal service
- Informal meal service
- formal meal service
- Factors determining the choice of service styles, types of party
- Foods for special occasions, e.g., birthdays, naming ceremonies, weddings etc.
- Factors that contribute to the success of parties
- Research into Local dishes and Drinks
- Importance of research in Foods and Nutrition
- Collection of information (data)
- Research into local dishes
- Development of new recipes
- Improving existing recipes based on methods of preparation, Nutritive value, time and energy use and service/
- Experiments
- Using fruits e.g. passion fruit, samia, royal palm fruit
- Other types of flour e.g. root, cereal and legumes, etc.
- Consumer Education
- Meaning and principles
- consumer agents
- Food Budgeting
- Explanation
- Factors to consider when budgeting
- Food Purchasing
- Guidelines for shopping for food
- Guidelines for bulk purchasing
- Reasons for buying in bulk
- Advantages and disadvantages of bulk purchasing
- Setting up and managing a catering enterprise
- Explanation of terms
- entrepreneur
- entrepreneurship
- enterprise
- Characteristics of an entrepreneur
- Advantages and disadvantages of an entrepreneur
- Setting up a catering entrepreneur
- Some catering enterprises
- Factors contributing to the success of an enterprise
- Work ethics
- Explanation of work ethics
- Good work ethics
- Packaging
- Explanation of Food Packaging
- Reasons why food is packaged
- Qualities of packaging materials
- Types of packaging materials
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