Home Management Waec Syllabus

Below is this 2024 Waec Syllabus for Home Management. Note that this syllabus is for both internal and external candidates.

Aims and Objectives

  • management concepts; goals, values, standards and needs
  • decision–making processes
  • human and material resources available for managing a home
  • basic skills needed in caring for the home and society
  • consumer skills
  • sound health practices
  • self-reliant skills for effective living

Scheme of Examination

There will be three papers, Papers 1, 2, and 3, all of which must be taken. Papers 1 and 2 will be composite papers to be taken in one sitting.

Paper 1:

This will comprise fifty multiple-choice objective questions, all of which are to be answered in 1 hour for 50 marks.

Paper 2:

This will comprise six essay questions, out of which candidates will be required to answer four within 1 hour and 15 minutes for 50 marks.

Paper 3:

This will be a 3-hour practical test of three hours which will be conducted by a visiting examiner that will be appointed by WAEC. This paper will carry 100 marks.

Detailed Home Management Syllabus


  1. Definition of Home Management
  2. Careers in Home Management
  3. The Management Process
    • Planning
    • Organization
    • Implementation
    • Evaluation
  4. Application of Process to Specific Tasks
  5. Motivations for Home Management
    • Personal characteristics
    • Values
    • Goals
    • Standards
    • Needs
    • Events
    • Events
  6. Family Resources
    • Definition
    • Characteristics
    • Kinds – Human (time energy skill, work simplification as it applies to the home)
      • Non-human/material
      • community
  7. Decision–making
    • Definition
    • Process
  8. Management of Time and Energy


  1. The Family
    • Definition
    • Types – Nuclear, Monogamous, Polygamous, Extended
      • Advantages and disadvantages of each type of family.
    • Family life cycle – beginning, Expanding, contracting and Empty –nest.
    • Functions of the family
    • Roles and responsibilities of family members (e.g. mother, father, Children, working mothers, single parents, etc.)
    • Family relationships (e.g. husband and wife, parent/child, sibling/sibling, nuclear and extended families.)
      • Factors affecting family relationships, e.g., communication and family values.
      • The effect of these relations on Wellbeing
      • Conflict and conflict resolution.
  2. Courtship and Marriage
    • Types of marriage
    • Boy/Girl relationship – definition
      • traditional/custom
      • guidelines for a healthy boy/girl relationship
      • problems of unhealthy boy/girl relationship
      • Consequences of Indiscriminate Sexual Indulgence
      • sex education
    • Choosing a life partner
      • factors to consider when choosing a partner e.g. blood group, genotype, HIV status.
      • dating, courtship, engagement
    • Preparation for marriage
      • Readiness: where to live, maturity, finances
      • Introduction to each other’s family
    • Marriage Ceremony – Marriage ceremonies in different localities.
  3. Parenthood
    • Preparation for parenthood
      • Planning a family
      • Reproduction
      • Pregnancy
      • Ante-natal care
    • Childbirth
      • labour
      • delivery
      • post-natal care – immunization
    • Parenting
      • meaning
      • importance
      • responsibilities
        • provision of needs
        • bathing
  4. Feeding the family
    • Classes of food and food nutrients
    • Scientific study of good nutrients
    • Effect of heat on nutrients
    • Special nutrition needs of infants, toddlers, adolescents, adults, pregnant women, lactating women, the aged, convalescents, invalids and vegetarians.
    • Food Storage and Preservation
    • Planning of balanced meals for different groups of people
    • Kitchen plan, hygiene and safety
    • Food Purchasing
    • Preparation and serving of meals, snacks and beverages
    • Entertainment


  1. Clothing
    • Meaning, types, functions
    • Origin of fibres
    • Classification of fibres/fabrics
    • Weaving, knitting, crocheting etc.
  2. Household linen
  3. Textiles
  4. Fabric construction
  5. Planning a Wardrobe
  6. Maintenance of clothing
    • Simple garment repairs
    • Laundry agents – water, detergents, fabric rinses, stiffening agents, bleaches
    • Laundry equipment and tools
    • Laundry work
      • management of the family wash laundry
      • stains and stain removal
      • care of special garments
    • Sewing equipment and tools
    • Sewing processes
    • Storage of clothing


  1. Family House
    • Definition of House
    • Types of House e.g. storey building, bungalow, duplex  etc
    • Classification of Houses
  2. Choosing a family house
    • acquiring a house
      • Renting
      • Mortgage
      • Building
      • Buying
      • inheritance
      • Gift
    • Factors influencing the choice of a house
      • Economic
      • Social
      • Psychological
      • sites
      • Ventilation in the house
      • Design
    • Guidelines for choosing a family house
  3. Setting up a home
    • Definition: Difference between a home and a house
    • Equipment and furnishing in the home
      • Types –   Large and small equipment
      • Hard and soft
      • Furnishing
      • Fixture
  4. Home Improvement/Interior Decoration
    • meaning and importance
    • element and principles of art and design and their application
      • Colours
      • Textures
      • Lines
      • Proportion
      • Rythme etc.
    • Guidelines for interior decoration
    • Flower arrangements
  5. Utilities in the Home
    • Water  –  Sources, uses, purification, storage.
    • Light   –   electricity – meter reading, electric bill
    • Fuels   –   uses, storage, control, advantages and disadvantages.
      • cooking gas
      • kerosene
      • firewood
      • charcoal
      • electricity
  6. Simple home maintenance and Repairs
    • cleaning agents and materials – identification, preparation and use of local and commercial cleaning agents
      • water
      • soaps
      • abrasives
      • polishes
    • cleaning equipment and tools
    • care of surfaces
      • wood
      • tile
      • Formica
      • concrete
      • plastic etc.
    • Care of floors/floor coverings/Finishing
      • Carpets
      • Linoleums
      • Mats
      • Rugs
      • terrazzo
      • parquet etc
    • Care of home furnishings and ornaments
      • ceramics
      • metals
      • collage etc
    • Cleaning of different functional areas in the home
    • Bed making
  7. Safety Measures in the Home
    • importance
    • common accidents
    • prevention
    • use of first aid
    • Sanitation: Definition
    • Waste disposal
      • Household waste
      • Drainage system
      • Disposal methods
      • Pollution and health hazards.
    • Household pests
      • Types
      • Control

Wealth Creation and Management

  1. Creativity and Entrepreneurship
    • Meaning
    • Importance
    • Relationship between creativity and entrepreneurship
    • Entrepreneurial skills
      • Creativity
      • Management
      • Communication
    • Entrepreneurial Activities and Enterprises
      • Fashion designing
      • Hairdressing
      • Fast Foods
      • Bead making, etc.
  2. Money Management
    • Meaning
    • Guidelines
    • processes
    • Family budget – income, expenditure, steps in budgeting
  3. Wealth Creation
    • Meaning
    • Types
    • Advantages
    • Ways of creating wealth e.g. saving, investment, trading etc.
  4. Capital Market Investment
    • Meaning
    • Advantages
    • Guidelines
    • Investment opportunities e.g. stocks, shares, treasury bills.

Consumer Education

  1. Definition and Importance of Consumer Education
  2. Rights and Responsibilities of a Consumer
  3. Consumer Information
    • sources
    • Uses
  4. Consumer Legislation and Agencies
    • Types
    • Functions
    • Regulations of agencies
  5. Principles of consumer education
  6. Consumer Agents
    • Types
    • Functions
  7. Environmental-Friendly Consumption Practice
  8. Purchasing practices
    • Market and market survey
    • Meaning
    • Types
    • Uses/importance
    • Procedures for market survey
    • Wise purchasing practices
    • Prevention of wastage in the home.


  1. Home Management by R.O. Johnson, A. Akingbehin and J. Mifie. Longman Publishers
  2. Home Management for Secondary Schools by Enid O’Reilly Wright & Lillian Adesimi – Davies Publishers – Evans Brothers Ltd.
  3. Home Management for Secondary Schools (1-3) by Mary Edna Aufani Joe, Oby Eyisi et al. University Press Plc. Publishers.
  4. Home Management for Secondary Schools 1005 OQ & A Series by Elizabeth Anyakoha. Fep Publisher Ltd.

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